
It hurts to get a big tax bill and find out that you owe the government. But there are some ways you can start to lower your taxes in the future.

Don’t Make These 10 Last-Minute Tax Mistakes

You’re probably somewhat stressed if you’re in the throws of finishing your federal income tax return. After all, Monday, April 15, 2013 is the tax-filing

Paying your taxes

10 Tips When Paying Your Tax Bill

  If you’re one of the millions of taxpayers who owe money to the IRS this tax year, you need to make sure you’re taking


What is the Child Tax Credit?

  The Child Tax Credit allows you to claim up to $1,000 for each of your “qualifying” children who are under the age of 17

Adoption agreement

What is the Adoption Tax Credit?

The Adoption Credit is one of the biggest refundable tax credits offered in the U.S. tax code, and it can provide those who have adopted


The Child and Dependent Care Credit Explained

The Child and Dependent Care Credit became permanent starting with the 2012 tax year – giving working individuals with kids and other dependents a major

mortgage interest credit

Do You Qualify for the Mortgage Interest Credit?

You may qualify for a mortgage interest credit if a state agency or a local government issued you a mortgage credit certificate for low-income housing.


The Earned Income Tax Credit Explained

Claiming the Earned Income Tax Credit on your 2012 taxes is a great way to lower your federal income tax bill – or even get

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